
Plastic Surgery: Frequently Asked Questions

If you or a family member is considering cosmetic or reconstructive surgery, you are sure to have many questions about what to expect. Browse the questions and answers below for information you want and need.  If you have further questions or concerns, please contact us at 413-584-0044.

Are most plastic surgeries minimally invasive?

“Minimally invasive” is a term that refers to surgical techniques which cause as little injury as possible while achieving the necessary medical result. Like most surgeons and patients today, we choose minimally invasive procedures when surgical treatment is indicated. For the patient, benefits may include:

  • Significantly less pain
  • Less blood loss
  • Less scarring
  • Shorter recovery time
  • A faster return to normal daily activities
  • Better clinical outcomes, in many cases

Our surgical team is highly experienced in a variety of minimally invasive procedures. We will always fully explain all possible risks and benefits of any surgery you are considering.

How should I prepare for surgery?

Our practice provides an instruction sheet for all patients scheduled for surgery. We provide this sheet, as well as information pertaining to specific procedures, at your pre-operative office appointment.

Our surgeons understand that being ready for surgery means more than following preparation instructions. Cooley Dickinson supports and recommends Peggy Huddleston’s Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster, a two-hour session that teaches mind-body techniques. The program helps individuals feel calm before surgery, have less pain after surgery, strengthen the immune system and promote a faster recovery. For more information about the program, visit www.healfaster.com.

Where will I have my surgery?

Surgeries requiring general anesthesia, intravenous sedation or specialized equipment are performed at the Kittredge Surgery Center, located within the North Building at Cooley Dickinson Hospital in Northampton (download campus map). Many procedures requiring only local anesthetic can be performed in our office procedure room in Florence.

Who will perform my surgery?

Dr. Simone Topal is qualified and experienced in all surgeries our practice provides. In general, your availability and hers will dictate when she will see you and perform your surgery.

Will my surgeon meet with me before surgery?

Yes. Your first appointment will be an initial consultation with Dr. Topal at our office. Once you and she have decided on your best course of surgical treatment, our staff will help determine dates for your pre-op testing and surgery.

On the day of surgery, Dr. Topal will meet with you again during your pre-op process, to see how you are doing and review your information.

What are the risks of my surgery?

Some degree of risk is inherent with any surgery, including minor procedures. These risks vary depending on a range of factors, from the complexity of the surgery to the patient’s age and overall health. Your surgeon will thoroughly review with you all possible risks associated with your particular surgery and address any specific concerns you may have.

Can I have visitors before and after surgery?

Yes. At the Kittredge Surgery Center, family members or friends may visit you in the pre-op area once you have been “prepped” for surgery and stay until you are ready to move to the operating room. Following surgery, your visitor(s) may come see you in the discharge area once you are awake, settled and comfortable. Your surgeon will notify them in the waiting area or by phone.

What will my recovery be like?

Your recovery experience will depend on the type of surgery and various other factors. We take all possible measures to help ensure that each patient’s recovery is as quick and comfortable as possible. You will be given post-op instructions during your discharge process, which include clear information on how to contact us if you have any questions or concerns once you are at home.

What types of insurance does your practice accept?

Cooley Dickinson Medical Group accepts most major health plans. Contact your insurance provider for details of your particular plan.