Three women running for exercise in a park

Frequently Asked Questions About Our Bariatric Program

Frequently Asked Questions About Our Bariatric Program

Am I a candidate for surgery?

If you have struggled over the years to manage your weight with diet and exercise alone, surgery may be an option.

To qualify, patients must be:

  • 18 or older
  • Have a BMI* of 40 or 35-39.9 with at least one of the approved obesity-related co-morbidities, which include having high blood pressure (on medication), having high cholesterol (on medication), having documented heart disease, having documented sleep apnea or Type 2 diabetes (on medication).

*BMI, or body mass index, is a measurement of body size based on height and weight. Calculate your BMI here.

What steps do I need to take before I am scheduled for weight loss surgery?

Weight loss surgery is a life-changing procedure. For that reason, all participants meet with our team – our bariatric surgeon, dietitian, and patient navigator – several times before surgery.

We require health screenings by your primary care provider and a mental health provider. Program participants will be required to attend four online classes and will need to have lab work taken throughout the process. There may be additional requirements, depending on your insurance coverage.

Participants will also need to lose weight and begin an exercise program before their operation.

What if I am too large to exercise?

The goal for each patient is to lose an initial amount of weight before surgery. No mater your weight, there are ways to be active. For example, some patients who are unable to walk can do seated exercises.

How will my diet change?

The nutritional component is a critical part of the Bariatric and Weight Management Program. Prior to surgery, patients will be asked to modify their diet to restrict the intake of carbohydrates. For example, for breakfast, a protein bar makes a great alternative to a scrambled eggs and toast. By reducing the amount of carbohydrates consumed, patients will lose that initial portion of the weight before surgery.

Eating less and moving more are lifestyle changes that must be made before weight loss surgery to demonstrate your commitment to the process. Think portion control, a balanced diet, and consistent exercise. Initially, an exercise program can be as simple as walking or doing chair exercises. Also, there are other factors that play a role in your weight such as sleep and stress.

Making these changes now – and developing new habits – is essential to your long-term success after your operation.

How should I prepare for surgery?

We provide a comprehensive list of what you need to do to prepare for surgery. Preparation will vary slightly depending on the type of surgery that is determined to be right for you.

What type of support is available after surgery?

Stay connected with us! Your follow-up appointments are key for long-term success; some people attend support groups, which are made up of people who have gone through weight loss surgery. Our patient education materials provide you with additional ideas, too.

Call us today at 413-584-4637 or sign up for a free surgical information session.